How to Fight Moisture in Fuel ?

Fuel can do a lot of good it makes your truck go, however it can cripple it little by little as well. The temperature change of the fuel happens no matter where you live, condensation forms in your fuel tank, over time this takes a toll on your injectors affecting their performance and wear.

In colder climates this moisture collects in hose fittings and filter heads and filters, causing fuel restrictions that can rob the engine of power and may leave you sitting still at an idle or stone cold. So what can one do to help fight moisture in the fuel?

You could help control the moisture by using a fuel treatment like Total Power by FPPF, apply right before you begin fueling, make sure you get rid of all the foil and cardboard covers before removing your fuel cap to avoid having them floating around in your tank and getting caught under the suction line causing gel-like symptoms.

Make sure your fuel nozzle isn’t snow-filled, if it has snow carry a small portable diesel jug with you and bleed a little into the jug to get rid of the snow, then start fueling. Keep your tanks full as possible at all times to weaken the chance of condensation forming.

Fuel heaters are often used to help warm the fuel in cold conditions, this can speed the moisture process, use them when needed if the outside temps warm shut them off. But one should monitor and treat the fuel for moisture year-round. The outside temps will determine how rapid it will form so you will have to adjust your techniques for the conditions around you.

But it is easier said than done! Also if you use alternative fuel or blended fuel you will have to find a fuel treatment that works with your fuel and/or is manufacturer-approved.